PODCAST 17: The Baskin Robbins of ADHD with Kate Barrett, ADHD Mother, Wife, and Coach

It was great to get to talk to my friend Kate Barrett again.  I know her from the ADHD coaching world.  She’s the founding coach of Coaching CVille out of Charlottesville, VA, as well as the mother of sons and the wife of a husband who have ADHD.  Her love for her family really shines through in this episode, and her coaching skills do as well.

If you’re in the Charlottesville, VA area, and need a coach, I encourage you to reach out to Kate.  In today’s episode, she shares only shares a few of her coaching strategies, but I’m sure they’ll be a huge help.  We talk about treating ADHD issues as a symptom of a problem, rather than a problem in themselves, the value of ownership, and how to manage your non-ADHD kid, if the kid with ADHD tends to get more of the focus.



Kate can be found at https://coachingcville.com.

And as usual, fee free to email me at brendan@ADHDessentials.com.

Enjoy the show!

PODCAST 16: The Struggle Makes Us Stronger with Gabriel Villarreal, Strength & Condition Coach and Mental Health Counselor Specialized in ADHD

In this episode, I’m talking exercise and fitness, while battlnig a cold!  Gabriel Villarreal is the owner of ADHD Counseling in the Roanoke Valley, as well as a strenth and conditioning coach.  It’s that latter bit that we focus on in the episode.  We talk about the importance of struggling, growth from failure, and the neurological benefits of exercise for the ADHD brain.  (Though, that doesn’t coem unitl the end.)

Gabriel was great to talk to, and you can be sure he’s going to come back.  Both on and off the air we noticed that there were many intersting places for us to go in futire episodes.  I expect he’ll become a “friend of the show”.



Learn more about Gabriel at www.RoanokeADHD.com.

Or find him on his Facebook page.

Or just email him at gabriel@roanokeadhd.com.


And as usual, I can be reached at Brendan@ADHDessentials.com.

Enjoy the show!


PODCAST 15: ADHD Friendly Systems in the Household

Marina Darlow from Vision Framework visits us to talk about how creating systems can benefit families affected by ADHD, as well as what makes for a good system.

A systems expert, and self-proclaimed productivity geek, Marina sees her job as helping impact-driven entrepreneurs get 10-20 more productive hours a week, stop leaking money, and prevent stress-fueled breakdowns.  She works with ADHD professionals to help them develop systems to better navigate ADHD in the workplace, but was kind enough to join the pod and talk about using a systems approach into the home.

An engineer by training, Marina came to a realization a couple years ago: working for a conglomerate is not as inspiring as she wants her life work to be. The quest for inspiration led her to found Vision Framework, a company that builds small, purpose-driven businesses from the inside, helping entrepreneurs run their companies with ease by putting effective, easy-to-use, and fun (yep!) systems in place.



Marina can be found at  www.vision-framework.com, or at the social media links below:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VisionFramework/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/VisionFramework/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marinadarlow/


She even provided some freebies!

Cheatsheet: Make a system work for the ADHD-gifted brain: 5 simple rules