PODCAST 8: Slow Mornings, Smashed Tasks, and Kindness Clipboards with Stephanie Letourneau, 3rd Grade Teacher
On one of the recent snow days, I sent a message to my friend Stephanie Letourneau and asked if she’d let me interview her for the podcast. She agreed, and I’m glad she did. What followed was an excellent discussion about helping our kids break down tasks, manage their emotions, and feel included.
Another topic we discuss is the challenging shift that occurs between 2nd and 3rd grade. This type of shift also happens between 3rd and 4th grade, and during the transitions from elementary to middle school, middle school to high school, and from high school to college. So, although the strategies Stephanie shares come from the perspective of a third grade classroom, they can be adapted across grade and age levels, and used both in school, and at home.
If you need any help adapting the ideas in this episode, feel free to contact me at Brendan@ADHDessentials.com.
And, as usual, I can be found at www.ADHDessentials.com.
Show Notes:
2:05 Why the transition from 2nd to 3rd grade is hard for students and for Stephanie
4:06 How the transition affects ADHD students
4:44 Learning to read vs. Reading to learn
6:43 Summer regression
7:06 Smash the Task!
7:13 The value of starting slow
8:08 Smash the Task Part II
9:57 One task at a time with clear instructions
10:16 Two kids with ADHD: One’s done, the other hasn’t started.
11:04 Brendan tries to translate the tips hiding in the story
13:10 Writing is thinking
13:45 Choice helps with engagement
14:44 But too much choice can be overwhelming
15:55 Know your kid’s learning styles
16:20 Things that work for ADHD kids are just good teaching strategies
16:32 School is not an office!
16:51 It’s not in the curriculum, but teaching kids to recognize their emotions matters
17:30 Slowing down the morning is about getting the emotions in line
17:56 10 minute guided meditations help with transition
18:40 Spaghetti toes
19:36 NOTE: An OT is an occupational therapist
20:13 Putting work into helping kids transition
21:05 Teaching strategies, development gaps, and the nature of ADHD
22:57 Grade-to-grade transitions, ADHD, and regression
24:25 Making sure their brains are ready
25:07 Allow time for transition. Even at home.
25:39 Alternative Seating
27:45 Systems and discussions help navigate seating (and other) conflicts.
28:11 ADHD kids like the rockers. (Tired kids do too!)
28:50 Go Noodle
29:38 Sometimes you have to stop and take a break
30:25 A lesson from Stephanie’s grandma
31:02 Meditation and “A Stitch in Time Save Nine”.
32:03 YouTube advocates lying to children
33:37 ADHD kids are more likely to be bullied
33:52 Making the classroom safe for everyone.
34:58 Creating an inclusive environment
35:29 Kindness Clipboards
37:36 We’re all in this together
38:45 Positive Attitude
39:13 Ending Essential